Only You Can Say
You said the word “no” for the first time today.
You turned down one more sip of milk. A sentiment
you shared without words before in so many wordless ways—
sharp cries, fluttering lip sighs, and flailing movements of dismay.
I looked at your mother when you told her,
and we both celebrated your voice, and I know
we both hid our mixed feelings through our happy displays.
Commencements are like that—one journey has ended,
another awaits, and those who have loved you the longest
will miss what you may not remember.
Today, you said the word “no” for the first time.
A new word we hope to teach you
how to ignore and how to obey.
Though it may take endless tomorrows,
we will listen to what you say next.
Will it be “yes?” Only you can say.